Cataglyphis lenoirii / saharae

Voir Cataglyphis saharae sur le site de antsofafrica

The following description I compiled in 2007 and thought could be a new species Cataglyphis lenoiri Taylor now (July 2004) cab be seen as C. saharae. The circum-Sahara distribution also now seems not uncommon and I have similarly identified several species from other genera.

Location Burkino Faso, Bobo Dioulasso, 11°10'N 4°18W, ex Alain Lenoir; range of workers from largest to smallest seen. In bicolor species-group of Agosti (1990).

Petiole profile smoothly domed with little difference between the anterior and posterior curves, with distinct anterior ventral triangular process
no erect hairs on propodeum, a few on the posteror-dorsal corner of the petiole (none on oasium); a pair of minute erect hairs on mesonotum dorsum, a few such on pronotum; three-four pairs on each side of midline of occiput-vertex, none on dorsum of the gaster, all such hairs are whitish or colourless
sculpturation of head and alitrunk apparently coarser than bicolor ss
head, alitrunk and petiole node uniformly dark chestnut (oasium darker and petiole node near black); legs obviously entirely dark black-brown
hind tibia with sparse short dark pubescence and row of short setae
maxillary palps with longish curved hairs on inner margins (not outer as in bicolor) and fewer on the apical two segments, segment 2 broader than oasium
underside of head with no erect hairs behind psammophore hairs
dorsum of occiput with minute decumbent hairs
propodeal spiracle straight and relatively short
metanotal spiracles distinctly raised (hardly raised on oasium)

Dimensions of major - AL = 5 mm (median centre line); HW = 2.52; HL = 2.62; CI = 0.96 (HW X 100/HL; EL (maximum eye diameter) = 0.65; EI = 26 (EL X 100/HW) SL = 2.73; SI = 108 (SL X 100/HW)

Agosti (1990) had a separation that, posssibly, was - petiole nodiform; gaster raised in locomotion (guessed); petiole anterodorsal domed, in lateral view whole dorsum of petiole rounded, propodeum not raised, EI < 28, CI < 97; bicolor-group - striking monophasic variation in workers with AL from < 5 mm to < 2mm. He (page 1477) refers to bicolor-group from on the beach in the tropics, citing the Ivory Coast, but later (page 1478) gave bicolor as bicoloured workers with appressed white to yellow pubescence on the hind tibiae. Under the setipes-complex, large workers (AL < 5 mm) he noted bicoloured with thick, bristle-like black pubescence on the hind tibiae; stating the distribution includes Ghana. See Cataglyphis bicolor and Cataglyphis oasium specimens.

Named in recognition of the collector, Dr Alain Lenoir. This is one of the species studied by Dahbi, A., Hefetz, A. & Lenoir, A. (2008) Chemotaxonomy of some Cataglyphis ants from Morocco and Burkina Faso. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 36, 564-572.